(2) Special cylinders from HEB - What's behind them?

Part 2: The hydraulic brake

Special cylinders from HEB - What's behind them? Part 2: The hydraulic brake

? Application: In a production machine, the transmitted force of a mechanism is to be limited. The limitation should only be effective in one direction of movement, the return movement of the mechanics takes place without limitation.

! Our solution: The hydraulic brake limits the transmitted force by moving the piston rod back. By means of a valve, the release force of the hydraulic brake can be adjusted up to a maximum of 1.7 tons, if desired. The function of the hydraulic brake is ensured by the externally acting forces. As soon as a force is transmitted with the piston rod, a hydraulic pressure builds up inside. When the preset pressure is exceeded, the valve opens and the piston rod can move back. The hydraulic brake is moved to its initial position by external motion, whereby thanks to a non-return valve, the force required here corresponds only to the friction of the seals. In contrast to classic hydraulic cylinders, the hydraulic brake does not have any connections that are required for operation; it is shipped to our customers in working order and filled. Of course, the hydraulic brake can be serviced by ourselves, thanks to our bleeding screws and a minimess connection, filling and #bleeding is no problem.

>> Still questions? No problem! Feel free to call our application specialists at +49 (761) 13099-94 or send an email to support@heb-zyl.de . We are here for you
